Heaven forbid, I had to design a simple circuit, but this time I couldn't use a PIC. It would be an ideal little job for a 508 but I don't have one handy. The circuit needs to have a relay operated when power is applied, but when it gets a -ve going 1/2 second pulse, let the relay stay operated for another 40 seconds then release it permanently. The software would be quite simple, but what a brain strain going back to discrete digital again to accomplish the same task when I haven't fiddled with TTL or 4XXX CMOS for what seems like ages. I ended up using 3/4 of a 4093 quad NAND gate. It's amazing when you are out of practice, how long it takes to come up with a simple solution without software. -- Best regards Tony http://www.picnpoke.com mailto:sales@picnpoke.com