On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 07:48:58AM +1000, Paul B. Webster VK2BZC wrote: > Wollenberg, Frank wrote: > > > My previous mail was rejected by listserver, so i will resend this > > with the heading lines modified. Sorry for my inconvenience. > > Auuuuuuuggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! > > James, *can* we get that stupid, *stupid*, totally misleading error > message FIXED so people know to NEVER, EVER re-post messages please? > > One bounce message to the sender isn't much, but voluminous re-sends > to the whole list are really unnecessary. Next time someone gets one of those messages, *PLEASE* forward it to me. I'm trying to find where that message is set, but since I've never seen it I don't know what to look for. Also, I don't know exactly what the server is complaining about. When whoever it is forwards it, please try and forward the entire message, headers included. I'm trying to get things like this sorted out, but I'll need some information at times to do it. Oh yeah, one more thing. When I ask for it to be forwarded, I'm asking for it to be forwarded to my email address and *NOT* the list. My address is: reznaeous@earthlink.net Thanks. -- Mike Werner KA8YSD | "Where do you want to go today?" | "As far from Redmond as possible!" '91 GS500E | Morgantown WV | Only dead fish go with the flow.