Does it blink at a quarter of the speed you expect? Grandmother>Eggs>Suck: at 4MHz, you get 1 million instructions/sec. Just a thought. >-----Original Message----- >From: Samuel Ace Winchenbach [SMTP:swinchen@EECE.MAINE.EDU] >Sent: 17 May 2000 15:50 >To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU >Subject: Re: 1 Hz [OT] > >>The most blatant error I can see is that you have located your CBLOCK at >>location 0. User ram does not start at 0!! You should move this to (of the >>top of my head) location 12 for the 16F84. > > >Thanks Mike! Got the LED blinking! YAY!!!! My first ASM project is >finally doing something. > >Now I just need to find out why it is blinking too slowly =(