I'd go for the Palm. I've been doing a little programming on one for a project, and it's not too bad, if you have ever programmed a GUI, especially if you're experience is with a Mac. The Metrowerks tools are, if you can believe it, much buggier than MPLAB, but usable in between crashes, just as MPLAB is. There is a serial port, and software to support it, which is not too horrible to figure out (easier than Windoze, for instance). You could do yourself a really cute GUI, with little sliders and all sorts of stuff. > -----Original Message----- > From: Rock Thompson [mailto:rock_t@YAHOO.COM] > Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 3:58 PM > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: User interface for PIC model aricraft controller > > > I've nearly finished a remote control in which a PIC > monitors pots manipulated by a user, does the AD > conversions and mixes the inputs as the user has > programmed. This mix is then transmitted to an > aircraft or other vehicle. > > The most difficult aspect is proving to be coming up > with an easy-to-use user interface. At the moment I'm > reprogramming the PIC everytime I want to make an > adjustment - this is a very effective form of torture. > I would be very appreciative to learn what others > have done when needing extensive user input. > > The particulars are: > The user interface must allow assigning various > controls to different channels on the aircraft. The > effect of the control must also be specified, such as > direction and travel distance. The interface needs to > show a field to fill out and then check to be sure the > input number is within range. > > An Excel spreadsheet or simple database program with > simple programming would be fine, but my application > needs to be portable for field use and the cost must > be low (less than a lap top computer). > > I see three possibilities: > 1) Use a big (40x4) charactor LCD or one of the > graphic LCDs, install the needed key switches and have > the PIC, or its slave, do everything. > > 2) Have a Palm (or the new Visor) PDA be the > interface, communicating the user input to the PIC and > receiving current status from the PIC and displaying > it. > > 3) I just thought if this. What about a graphing > calculator, such as the HP-49G? It has a serial > interface, can be programmed in several languages and > would allow graphing of the control functions, which > would be nice. These calculators are supposed to have > advanced list handling abilities - would this be > practical? > > All three solutions cost about the same. Any opinions > or better ideas? Thanks! > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger. > http://im.yahoo.com/ >