Gents; Your suggestions thus far have been very good pointers on the issue, much appreciated. To clarify, the task at hand is not to reverse engineer the software or even the hardware ( I would not feel comfortable reverse engineering one's software) but studying the message format on the communications link between the devices. It is a situation very analogous to the TV remote control debate. You can make a reciever, then study the message format, and make your own transmitter. But is this (A) legal, and (B) ethical? I have made the argument in the past that if one were to make a nockoff remote, and then market it, that if it were to exibit poor performance, then that product might make the manufacturer of the TV look bad, and that they had a compelling reason (but not a legal right??) to restrict third party devices that work on their TV. I obviously painted myself into a solid corner. Any further ideas? Such as case law on one manufacturer studying another's product? Thanks Chris Eddy