If I remember correctly (from reading in the manual or the [Eagle] tutorial), in Eagle, a bus object is only a visual aid, it has no signifigance electrically. The "bus" is actually the label BUS[0..7], which you connect by referring to BUS0, BUS1, and so on. Check the name of the net that you had connected to the bus to see if it is still "connected" to the bus. Yes, eagle has its quirks, but after using PCBExpress (good for quick, simple designs, but quickly overwhelmed by a design of any real complexity, and the last update I ran stopped running properly under NT), Protel (many versions, usually so buggy that I ended up having to save every 3 minutes), Pads (poor libraries and an incredibly expensive layout program), Orcad (so so libraries and poor integration between schematic capture and layout), my preferred package is Eagle. So far I have not seen a better integrated PCB layout program than Eagle. And in comparison, if you do buy the full version, the price is an absolute bargain. Try finding a similarly featured Schematic Capture/Layout program for less (that supports both windows *and* Linux). I use Eagle at home, but for work, I'm mandated to use Orcad. Matt Bennett -----Original Message----- From: James Newton Sent: Friday, May 12, 2000 2:11 PM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: [OT] Eagle: Net from Bus to Pin stays connected on brd but not on sch? Importance: Low Ok, I'm new (sort of) to this program (Eagle from http://www.cadsoftusa.com ) so please excuse this if it's a stupid question, but... I draw a bus that passes by two chips and then name it BUS[0..7] to get 8 signals (not intuitive, why not pop up a quick dialog to ask you how many signals when you finish a bus?) I select Net and click on the end (or middle) of the bus, select BUS0, and then double click on the very tip of the pin on the chip. I repeat this for the corresponding pin on the other chip. In the brd window, I see the "rats nest" line appear. Now, I select Move, pick up the bus, pull it two clicks to the side and set it down. The nets no longer touch the bus in the sch. On the brd, the rats nest line is still there. Redraw, save and reopen, etc.. still the same. Tried putting a Junction on it. Is this really how this program is supposed to work? You have to move every net with the bus? Why is it that I can move the chip and the nets follow? This is the third time I've tried to figure out what it is about this program that so many people like. The first two times I just gave up. The first time, it was after realizing that you turn things by right clicking while moving (which was NOT documented anywhere in that version of the program) and the next time I made it to the point of Copy puts nothing on the clipboard and Cut doesn't remove the item from the design... If it wasn't for http://paul.spu.edu/~bolding/ee4211/EagleTutorial/EagleTutorial.html I wouldn't have gotten this far this time. I keep coming back because if so many people like it, it must just be me... James Newton jamesnewton@geocities.com