>Just make the Flash sit there and look (to the on-motherboard FDC) like >it IS a (small) floppy drive. Add a 4-pin power connector and far as >the machine knows, it has a write-protected Floppy in the drive. The >FDD is a lot dumber, easier to reverse engineer part than the FDC, >methinks, and FDC's are pretty universal (Also, you don't eat up a >sometimes non-existent ISA slot - you don't have to deal with PCI - >etc.) The problem here is that you need to have the data come out as a serial bit stream with a properly appended CRC code. the data also needs to be encoded as a MFM data stream. If the PIC does the parallel -> serial conversion, I suppose it would be practical to append a couple of bytes of precalculated CRC to the data sector in the flash, but this would then mean a fancy calculation to find the start of the next sector. I was envisioning the PIC having registers for track and sector, and then just parallel transferring the data to the host, and setting a register to say error free reading. Voila, no rotational latency. With the serial transfer you would always have to transfer a full "rotation" of data as you would not know which sector the host required.