Hi, I'm working with a software clock routine where I want to be able to detect whenever a second have passed. I'm using an AVR with a 4.194304 MHz crystal. I am using the prescaler which divides the clock signal by 1024. I use the TCNT0 to get further division of 256. In the timer interrupt routine I use a register to count from 0 to 16 to get to a point in the software every second. 4194304*(1/1024)*(1/256)*(1/16)=1 This software clock seems to be a bit fast so the displayed seconds do step remarkably (about 1.1x ... 1.4x ) faster than it should normally do. If I suppose that my crystal is a 30 ppm one so it shouldn't accumulate such a big error. Plese give my your input on this issue since I'm quite frustrated. Laszlo Cser