Sounds a lot like floating pins to me. Check the reset and interrupt pins for starters. You may get lucky. -- Rich WF wrote: > > Hi again > > We did a project where our PIC uses a 4011 and 4017 for display > informations in 10 seven segment display...We use the TIMER 0 interrupt for > control the time between writes on each DISPLAY...all works very well! > But, when i touch on the top of PIC16C873, it resets...and sometimes > locks...and the WATCH-DOG doesn't work more and the EXTERNAL RESET doens't > have more effect....for reinitialize the execution, we have to take off the > power suppy and reestart it... > > How should we proceed to solve this problem? > > Thanks for all! > > Miguel Wisintainer > Marcos Feller > Josi Fausto Gil Zift