Dang he let another set of secrets out...... It does work well, my P133 with 75MHz bus and 64M work just fine as a front end with 2 16 bit NE2000 clone cards in it. Red Hat almost makes the installation as simple as Windoze. -----Original Message----- From: marquis DeSade [mailto:desade666@YAHOO.COM] Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 12:15 PM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: very [OT] linux masquerading a lan hello picsters.... regarding network sharing, my roomate and i have ran a linux server, masquerading our 768k DSL line for about a year, with excellent success... now, i know alot of linux gurus will badmouth windows all day long, due to theyre bias towards linux, but i will try not to do that here, but i will say this: i ran linux (slackware distro) win 95/98 NT4.0 workstation and server (messed with 2000 advanced server a little, thought it sucked?) win 95/98 seems to need to be rebooted once or twice a week? NT a little less often, but still once a week to once a month...in the last year, i have NEVER rebooted my linux box? no down time? so, how to run linux: get a stable kernel! red hat is acceptable for most, but i personally like the slackware version...put 2 network cards in the box, and one will "eth0" the other will be "eth1" actually, you could put 5 or 6 network cards in it and use it as a hub if you so chose? for DSL service, you will need a cisco 675 router, im not really sure what they use for cable, but none-the-less, external is better, only since there isnt much driver support for exotic modems...set the router for "bridging" mode copile your kernel, choosing menu-config, from there you will get the option to setup "IP masquerading/IP forwarding" and also "advanced firewalling" and "advanced router"...and whatever else you so choose, specific to your machine? now, go make a sandwhich....(compiling takes a little bit) ok, so configure lilo to boot your new kernel, and then edit "inet.d" to your exact ip address both local and wan network also, edit your "host.allow" and "hosts.deny" files and BE SURE TO DISABLE TELNET!!! telnet is a huge exploit! also, have a buddy or visit a website you trust to do a prtscan, it will then tell you what ports are open to the world ie, NFS (NFS lets linux/unix mount a windows drive, another big exploit) technically, the only port that the world should see, is port 80 aka HTTPD (the http daemon) shell is another exploit, once you have locked down your ports, youre lan is virtually invisible to the world, and the learning curve for unix/linux is a little higher than the average moron using windows....im not saying linux is bulletproof, nothing in this world is, but it is pretty damn secure... hope this helps... cheers, desade --- Herbert Graf wrote: > > PLEASE do not use WINGATE the net is unsecure > enough already. > > a sysadmin once setup an IRC bot to detect wingate > usage (people using > > other peoples addresses to go and create havoc on > IRC) in about a day he > > had collected over 1,000 unique wingate machines > that ANYONE can > > exploit. > > Quite frankly, Wingate is one of the more > secure windows options, you just > have to know how to set it up. Older versions left > services open by default, > the new versions leave barely anything open to the > internal LAN, never mind > the net. I run Wingate and I've tried scanning my > machine and doing other > sorts of things, of the ports that were open (I only > had one that I > purposely opened for my web server) nothing was > open, in fact most common > ports didn't even connect. TTYL __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger. http://im.yahoo.com/