On 8 May 00, at 9:37, Snail Instruments wrote: > > Unfortunately not very profitable: I'm working in a dying research > >institute ( like fish into aquarium...) > Similar situation was here in Czech - young people left and the old slowly > retired. But it seems to change recently, many of my coleagues from > university work at some kind of research institution, they have grants > assigned either from the state grant agency, some even from abroad. > V.Surducan reply: I was hoping to hear some good news and probably a profitable common project proposal... BTW, Snail Instruments it's your ( personaly ) firm ? > >and in my 'spare' time I made > >medical equipment for electro-therapy an any electronics who fall in my > >hands... > I see, something like the electrical bath, where controlled current is > applied to the body? (I hope the term is at least close ;-). Or sime kind > of magneto-therapy? These medical apparatus have to supply on pacient (with to or four electrodes ) more than 100 different tipes of currents (I do not know if the terms are corectly translated ) , some of these curents keep the name of inventors: Klotz, Faradic, Huffschmitd, some name are usual like: galvanic (DC), diadinamic, interferential, tens, russian, rectangle, triangle, trapezoidal, all can be modulated with other tipes and must supply a patient resistance between 0.2K to 7K and a current up to 100mA. You may see the picture of them (and my pH-meters too at: URL:http://www.geocities.com/vsurducan/aparate/aparate.htm I'm serious thinking to an industrial pH-meter with an electrode-unit (adapted only for metalic electrodes) and a display-unit conected with a RS485 (or other current mode transmition) with electrode unit, I've think that romanian market needs something like that... By, Vasile ********************************************* Surducan Vasile, engineer mail: vasile@l30.itim-cj.ro URL: http://www.geocities.com/vsurducan *********************************************