Charles wrote > I have a circuit using a 16C73 running at 20Mhz. For fun, I > plugged in a 64Mhz can oscillator. The PIC ran! > > My scope confirmed that the PWM output was running over > 3X the 20Mhz rate. I don't know if all the internal peripherals > were running, but the timers and the PWM circuits were. The > code was executing normally. > > Maybe Microchip should do some some screening and sell > 50Mhz parts. AFAIR it was discovered by members of the PICLIST what when it comes to gross overclocking that some frequencies work and others dont, sort of random distribution e.g your 63MHz may work fine but 58MHz might crash and burn. _____________________________ Lance Allen Technical Officer Uni of Auckland Psych Dept New Zealand _____________________________