On Thu, 4 May 2000, Andrew Warren wrote: > Andrew Kunz wrote: > > > I had nothing to do with the algorithm other than coding it. > > > > There may have been something about the designer's concept that isn't > > here, mainly because I didn't need to understand the concept. > > Hmm... Maybe adding the digital noise made that pseudo-average > algorithm converge faster? I'd have to think about it for a bit; > maybe Scott Dattalo can answer more quickly. I can't see how it'd possibly converge more quickly. If you view the average operation as a low pass filter and assume that the noise is 'white' (that is, it has energy at all frequencies) then there will be noise present right up to the filter's cutoff. If you had a sine wave with a frequency close to the filter's cutoff, you'd notice that the filter would let some of it through. I think the same would be true here as well. In other words, I think it would take LONGER to settle. Now the noise is not truely white since its DC component is absent (presumably - otherwise you're just adding an error to the signal). The reason this scheme works in the analog domain so well is that 1) the noise is (or should be) absent of a any DC component 2) the low pass filter bandwidth is so low that the amount of energy in the noise over that frequency band is negligible. >From this observation it's clear to conclude that adding random noise only works well if the averaging filter or low pass filter has a very low frequency cutoff. If you were to use this technique to acquire higher bandwidth data like acoustical data, this technique would reduce the digitization accuracy. However, if noise is added in a frequency band beyond the frequency at which your signal resides, you may again apply these concepts. In this case it will become necessary to over-sample the data, low-pass filter it, and then decimate it to the sample rate you would have sampled without using this technique. Perhaps a simpler approach would be to add a known error signal to your analog signal. This signal could be sine wave or triangle wave with frequency just outside the frequency of the signal of interest. Satisfy Nyquist for this known analog signal (by sampling at 2 or 3 times the frequency of the sine or triangle wave), then digitally subtract it out, and low pass filter the result. The idea is that +1 -1 = 0, only the addition is analog and the subtraction is digital. Now, the digitized sine wave subtracted from the sampled signal needs to have more resolution than just one bit of your A/D converter other wise you wouldn't benefit from the dithering. Caveats - of course I've never tried this, but in theory... Scott