Do not open any attachment that comes with an e-mail called "I Love You". The person who sent it may indeed cherish you, but the little snot who authored the virus in the attachment certainly doesn't. It's quite prevalent at the moment, and is similar to the "Melissa" virus of last year, which propagates through e-mail address books, with the added bonus that it's also a file eater. Delete it un-read and un-opened. I haven't browsed yet today to get details but it will be big news on the anti-virus sites Also of note is that I have two friends who lost hard drives on the 26th of last month due to Chernobyl v3. One is 100% sure, the other is quite sure. Coincidentally both were in the process of re-building their computers and did not have effective anti-virus programmes yet installed. They have no direct connection to each other AFAIK, just dumb luck. It just illustrates how very important it is to keep A-V scanners installed, active and updated. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyone can do any amount of work provided it isn't the work he's supposed to be doing at the moment. -- Robert Benchley