Mark Wrote... > I'm trying to make a speed control for a whole house fan I purchased. The > manufacturer warns in the instructions not to attempt to use a solid state > speed control device with the fan. This brings up a couple questons. > > 1. Firing a triac at various angles to regulate power to a device is > pretty straight forward. Does the method used to do this vary depending > whether you're dealing with a resistive load versus a reactive load like an > induction motor? Just how does motor speed control differ from a basic > lamp dimmer? > > 2. What is the method to use to have a PIC control the speed of such a fan > motor? > > Any ideas, comments, or warnings will be greatly appreciated. Thanks so > much. > A shaded pole motor (most fans) is a synchronous motor, it turns at a speed close to a function of its poles and the mains frequency, with some slippage. The proper way to vary its speed is to vary the mains frequency. This is also true of 3 phase and other induction motors of various types. Needles to say varying the power frequency is a bit of a challenge and not a task for youre average beginner. Simply altering the phase angle (triac etc type switching) will at best simply cause more and more slippage with a huge drop in efficiency but more likely lead to burnt motors as the turning of the motor normally limits the current flowing through it (cutting flux and all that) and a slowing or stopping of the motor will cause destructive currents to flow. The only AC motors that respond to triac (and other switching) speed control are universal motors like those used in handrills and small appliances etc. They are a kind of DC motor with a commutator (the commutator is the give away to what kind of motor it is) and their speed is related to the current flowing through the windings. There was discussion on the PICLIST a while ago on simple , rather rough, speed control of a shaded pole motor by skipping cycles. This might be worth an experiment (I have NOT done this) and should avoid (no guarantees!!!!!) the old motor burn out problems. What that means is the PIC detects zero-crossings and will fire a triac at the beginning of that cycle and the conducting triac will remain on (by virtue of its inherent operation) until the next zero crossing. As there are two zero crossings per cycle.. It would be best to have a minimum of 2 so a full AC wave is fired. Now I would have a 'duty cycle' of waves fired to waves not... say a pattern of 10 where 10% would be 9 cycles fired to 1 off, 20% 8:2, 30% 7:3 etc. BUT do not let the motor stall or go very slow as you will be in a situation where the motor is constantly in "starting' condition which might cause overheating. This technique (cycle skipping) is called 'burst firing' and will work with resistive loads like heaters and other thermaly slow devices (a light bulb will flicker at lower settings). The really BIG advantage of burst fire is its really low EM emissions, often NO or little suppression is needed on the mains feed. WARNING.. these voltages are very dangerous, all PIC interfaces should be isolated and explosive component damage can result from incorrect component selection or application. _____________________________ Lance Allen Technical Officer Uni of Auckland Psych Dept New Zealand _____________________________