Hi I'm trying to set a Rs-232 serial comunication with the PIC16c74 and the PC, but it doesn't work. I already check the hardware and the software of the PC side and it worksperfectly. The one that is giving me problems is the program of the PIC. The program is: 0000: MOVLW 00 0001: MOVWF 0A 0002: GOTO 01F 0003: NOP 0004: NOP .................... #include <16c74.h> .................... //////// Standard Header file for the PIC16C74 device //////// .................... #device PIC16C74 .................... #list .................... .................... #fuses XT,NOWDT,NOPROTECT,PUT .................... #use delay (clock=4000000) * 000C: MOVLW 26 000D: MOVWF 04 000E: MOVF 00,W 000F: BTFSC 03,2 0010: GOTO 01E 0011: MOVLW 01 0012: MOVWF 21 0013: CLRF 20 0014: DECFSZ 20,F 0015: GOTO 014 0016: DECFSZ 21,F 0017: GOTO 013 0018: MOVLW 48 0019: MOVWF 20 001A: DECFSZ 20,F 001B: GOTO 01A 001C: DECFSZ 00,F 001D: GOTO 011 001E: RETLW 00 .................... #use rs232 (baud=4800,xmit=PIN_C6,rcv=PIN_C7,BITS=8,PARITY=N) .................... #use fast_io(B) .................... #use fast_io(C) .................... #byte portb=0x06 .................... inicializacion(){ .................... portb=0; * 0005: CLRF 06 .................... set_tris_b(0x00); 0006: MOVLW 00 0007: TRIS 6 .................... set_tris_c(0b10000000);} 0008: MOVLW 80 0009: TRIS 7 000A: BCF 0A,3 000B: GOTO 02E .................... main(){ .................... int dato; * 001F: CLRF 04 0020: CLRF 03 0021: MOVLW 9F 0022: MOVWF 04 0023: MOVLW 07 0024: MOVWF 00 0025: MOVLW 0C 0026: BSF 03,5 0027: MOVWF 19 0028: MOVLW 22 0029: MOVWF 18 002A: MOVLW 90 002B: BCF 03,5 002C: MOVWF 18 .................... inicializacion(); 002D: GOTO 005 .................... while (TRUE) .................... { .................... if (kbhit()) 002E: BTFSS 0C,5 002F: GOTO 040 .................... { .................... dato=getc(); 0030: BTFSS 0C,5 0031: GOTO 030 0032: MOVF 1A,W 0033: MOVWF 25 .................... delay_ms(100); 0034: MOVLW 64 0035: MOVWF 26 0036: CALL 00C .................... portb=dato; 0037: MOVF 25,W 0038: MOVWF 06 .................... putchar(dato); 0039: MOVF 25,W 003A: BTFSS 0C,4 003B: GOTO 03A 003C: MOVWF 19 .................... delay_ms(100); 003D: MOVLW 64 003E: MOVWF 26 003F: CALL 00C .................... } .................... } 0040: GOTO 02E .................... } .................... 0041: SLEEP Can any one help me with this? CIATEQ, A.C. Tecnolog’a de Materiales Av. Manantiales No. 23-A Parque Industrial Bernardo Quintana El Marques Querˇtaro-Mˇxico C.P.76246 Tel:(4)2215283 2215257 5215258 Fax:(4)2215243 http://ciateq.mx