On Fri, 28 Apr 2000 17:51:31 +1000, David Lions wrote: > As for running Linux on a PIC... > > HAHAHAHA!!! ROTFLMAO! hehehehahahahohoho.. > Bahaa!! Muahhhahahaha! Check out http://www.rtjcom.com -- that guy has a pretty interesting Java VM running on a 68HC11... I know that's not the same thing as getting Linux on a PIC, but I wonder if you could shoehorn his Java VM into one of the high-end PICs, if you interfaced it to external RAM... Food for thought :-) Later, Jon -------------------------------------------------------------- Jon Hylands Jon@huv.com http://www.huv.com/jon Project: Micro Seeker (Micro Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) http://www.huv.com