While on dangerous behaviour Here's a real 'fire in the hole" Don't try this at home (or university). Old "unmarked untested" transistors could be had for very low cost - by the bag we bought them from UK. Germanium. Metal cans. Low low beta, horrible curves etc. Some use as transistors but ... Lab benches at varsity had many power points with a common switch. - Turn off switch. - Check switch is off. - Check again ... - Twist two transistor leads together to make 2 lead device (any 2 :-)) - Insert transistors into phase/neutral of each socket - Hide behind bench. - Ensure all life forms are not in lab. - Reach around bench and turns on mains. A Spanish galleon must surely have nothing on such a broadside. Smoke, noise, some flame even. Barrage of metal transistor cans. We found some remains. Dismantling the odd plug to remove wire ends was a nuisance. Nobody ever complained - looking back I'm a bit amazed. At the time it seemed fairly "harmless" fun. DESPITE the above "check switch" warning we had one close shave. Someone was using an extension cord for a "1 barrel" device. Switch WAS turned off physically BUT had not broken cleanly ! Inserted transistor and pressed into place. He was, of course looking into socket end when he did this. Said he felt a warm feeling on face and flicked the end away from him. Blam - no damage but COULD have been loss of eye(s) or even worse. One could think up several good lessons to learn from this. Now about that headmaster ... Naah. RM PS were you involved in this Dr Higgie ? :-)