When I was a teen I used to work at car shows selling Model A Ford parts for a man in our church. He was a big guy, and didn't like to get out in the cold (we slept in the tent in the autumn - it's cold here then). Well, one day we emptied the can of fuel for the lanterns. He had to go that night, and rather than wander down to the toilets in a cold wind, he decided to use the fuel can. In the morning that fuel can was put out beside the over-full trash barrel near our tent, so the trash crew could pick it up. As usually happens during that time of year, it got warm during the day. Real warm. The trash crew was late. Real late. Like 3:00 pm late. The guy saw the fuel can and picked it up along with the other trash, but noticed it wasn't empty. Ever concerned with safety, he unscrewed the lid while we in the tent were saying, "Don't open that can!" but it was too late. He took a whiff and went green. We were laughing so hard we about peed in our pants. That was in Carlisle. Well, a week later we were at the show in Hershey. (Still laughing about the fuel can incident, too.) The guy in the tent next to ours ran this obnoxious generator to power a stop signal (if you been there, you know who I mean). Mel, one of our guys, got tired of listening to the generator and, to show his disrespect for the owner (who had been asked SEVERAL times not to run the thing at night) decided to let him know what he thought about it. Since it was after dinner, Mel was really ready to give the generator a quick dowsing. Mel had good aim, too. Right onto the spark plug. The howl and hopping around was funny enough, but to see how he couldn't stop and ended up with wet pants was just icing on the cake! Andy Steven Rightnar on 04/27/2000 11:59:11 AM Please respond to pic microcontroller discussion list To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU cc: (bcc: Andrew Kunz/TDI_NOTES) Subject: Re: Fire in the Hole!!! [OT] In a Farm in Kansas I was going to make a million raising cattle. Got cows and an electric fence. Did not know ANYTHING about electric fences or electricity. I still dont know how it conducted through me but.... I had to pee (and much like a man with a gun) I needed a target. And there was the wire...such a nice target. Well, I dont pee on electric fences and I dont raise cattle. ----- Original Message ----- From: ""Grif" w. keith griffith" To: Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 8:37 AM Subject: Re: Fire in the Hole!!! [OT] | At 10:49 AM 4/27/00 -0400, you wrote: | >One could hear the distinctive click of the fencer if one was listening | >for it, | >and it was very regular. | | | >Dad would always walk next to the electric fence when visitors were | >around,,, if they got close enough, he'd reach out and put his hand on | >their shoulder/neck,,, nice friendly farmer guy,,,, and then reach over | >and grab the fence. Always claimed it didn't hurt him a bit. I always | >figgured he was just to busy chuckling to notice. | | | 'Grif' N7IVS |