Had a friend doing CNG filling controller development. At one stage he removed a valve from live system to workbench and hooked it up to the controller to test something. No names but see CC line :-) RM Valve on. BANG. No damage - just a slug of CNG at maybe 3000 psi odd exiting valve. Could have been fatal in ideally bad circumstances. >Speaking of pressure guages ... a coworker in a lab once hooked a manometor >(one of them big mercury-filled ones) to a T junction on the wrong side of a >needle valve thus placing it between the CO2 tank and the valve rather than >between the valve and his test device. When he opened the valve on the CO2 >tank, all the mercury blew out of the manometer and was dispersed widely >about the room. It took cleanup crews several days to vacuum enough mercury >out of all the little nooks and crannys in the lab so that the vapor levels >were within OSHA limits. > >>Since this is gory story day.... A technician friend of mine was >>needing a pressure gauges [oy, yoy] - wearing his regular glasses. >>He plugged a gauge into an air hose to test it, turned the handle, >>and blam! Explosion straight up into his face. Luckily I was 3 >>feet away at the time. Hands went up to his face, and blood started >>pouring out thru his fingers. I got him to remove his hands so >>I could appraise the damage. Luckily for him, it was only a >>large shard of glass sticking out of his upper lip. Plus a >>*very deep* gouge on one of his eyeglass lenses. Other people >>came running down the hall because the explosion was so loud. >>End of story. >