James Newton wrote: >Some day I'll have to tell you my ejection seat story. Eh? This sounds good. Please tell. I have another coupple of stories: (promise to shut up soon :o) When I was in junior high school I was playing around with DC-DC converters for xenon flash tubes. After accidentally discovering that you can get quite a jolt from them, I pieced together a tiny "zapper" (for practical joke purposes) consisting of a 9V battery, 555 timer, small potcore transformer, rectifier, and capacitor. The circuit would charge a .47uF capacitor to 1200V -- enough to momentarilly give you the sensation that your arm had been yanked out of its socket if you were unfortunate enough to touch it (at least that's how I remember it and I don't care to try it again to see if it hurts any less now that I'm grown up). One day I was toying with the idea of leaving the "zapper" hidden in a pants pocket and running a cable out under my clothes to a plug I could conceal in my hand. I connected a coaxial cable to the "zapper" with a bannana plug on the end that I could touch my victims with. To test it, I zapped various metal objects and marveled at the nifty sparks produced when the capacitor discharged. One object I got especially nice sparks from was an iron pipe which I was stupid enough to pick up with my other hand to go show my friend in the other room. The first coupple of times I zapped the pipe, I was lucky that the terminal that contacted the pipe first happened to be the same terminal as the shield on the coaxial cable. The shield happened to be partially exposed on the end that connected to the zapper ... pants pockets are not thick enough to stop 1200V! But then the other terminal made contact first! YIPE!!! I jumped halfway across the room and cussed like the devil! My friend laughed his a** off! --- Another good story from roughly the same time (about the 7th grade) was when a friend of mine gave me a bag of assorted firecrackers. Up until this time I had never encountered a cherry bomb and the only things I knew of that came in little spherical packages were smoke bombs. So the first one I lit I just set on the ground and stepped back perhaps 2 or 3 feet. I was wondering why my friend was running off so fast for a smoke bomb. Boy was I surprised!!! Them damn things sting when you're wearing shorts! --- Then there's the ultimate in stupidity -- when I was in 4th grade I once got a bunch of free plastic spoke decorations with a box of cereal or a happy meal or something. I put them on the front wheel of my bike just for sh*ts and grins. Then, as I was riding down a long hill at significant speed, I noticed a coupple of friends of mine a ways ahead and decided to get rid of the dorky spoke decorations before they see me with them. To remove the spoke decorations I commenced to rubbing my foot up against the rapidly spinning wheel. It was working quite well -- the little plastic thingys were flying everywhere. Then the damndest thing happned! Somehow my foot managed to become wedged between the spokes and the fork! (who would have seen that comming?) Then I had one of those "OH SH*T!" moments where time was going really slow and the bike was becomming more and more vertical and I was trying to jump off but couldn't because my foot was stuck! Then the pavement came up to greet me and my bike landed on top of me and we both slid a ways resulting in a nice case of road-rash. Luckilly I managed not to break any bones. My original objective of avoiding embarasement was, well... not terribly successful (to put it mildly).