Hi PicPeople I'm trying to convert code from 16c74B to use it in 16f874 because I need EEPROM data memory and, because it's easier to program , (no UV needed!!) and as I can see, there is no difference in code and also pinout configuration is the same. My program uses only the registers of bank0 (only switch to 1 when change tris and some configuration like ADCON1 to disable AD's). I haved connected to the pic a display 24x2 8 bit mode, an SCC (Z8530) for packet radio reception/transmission, and rs232 driver. The programs seems to work ok with the LCD and rs232 output is ok too, but when I run the SCC routines, the f874 restarts, and sometimes it hangs too. The code works perfectly in the 16c74B, I was using this equipment for months with no problem!!!, I only use the ports as I/O, I'm not using A/D or CCP, or USART (rs232 is done in software). What do you think that could be wrong?, the SCC bus is on portB and the control signal is on portD0-4 so if there is a problem, i think that must be on RB or RD port, any ideas?. Please help!!.... thanks in advance. byby. Leandro J. Laporta (LU2AOQ) mail: lu2aoq@yahoo.com wrk: Arg. Assoc. for Space Tech. ham: TCP/IP high speed group HSG __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. http://im.yahoo.com