Hello, folks! What happens with PIC16F627 / 628? This parts dont appears in the microchip's buying site. Still a "new product"? Was anounced 1 year ago... What happens with 8 pin FLASH MCUS? Were announced in 1998. Anybody knews why Microchip is too slow to develop Flash parts? Look like his major interest is to sell only OTP parts (I think). What about innovation? The core of PICs have 20 years and, in the lasts parts, no have automatic context saving , no have 1 clock instruction execution, and the major clock speed is 20MHz. Well, we read! ---------------- o --------------------- Name: Alejandro Lavarello ICQ: 35 764 596 alejol e-mail: alejol@adinet.com.uy Address: Zapican 2560 apto 308 City: Montevideo Country: Uruguay Work title: Electronic Technician Work organization: Intendencia Municipal de Montevideo Work address: Palacio Municipal - Subsuelo- Seccion Senales Luminosas Work e-mail: semaforos@imm.gub.uy Work tel/fax: +598 2 9011930 ----------------- o --------------------