> The Internet's about empowering US, not empowering some twits to make > money off us. Let's keep that in mind. If you DO keep that in mind, you have to be very careful about drawing the dividing line in between the "twits" and "us." Most of your tirade would not have applied to elab cause they didn't send out their message, however annoying it and it's delivery methodology might have been, 2-10 times a day to everyone, everywhere. This'd QUITE effectively destroy e-mail as a *personal* communications medium, making it useless for all purposes It'd probably destroy the net as a whole, but it won't happen. The technology exists NOW to stop it (or most of it, anyway) at the inbound ISPs. Right now, everyone wants to get rich being an ISP, so there are many ISPs that are a bit lax on restricting their customer's tendancies to abuse the current properties of the net. In time, however, I think the world will divide into ISPs that you can trust not to originate spam, and ISPs that specically allow spam to be originated, and charge for the privilige (but no one accepts mail from them, anyway.) BillW