Hi, I am trying to clock a PIC using an existing PLLs oscillator signal. The PLL runs at a frequency between 3 and 4 MHz (depends on the application). It has a very low signal on the oscillator pin (negative R oscillator). After some experiments I have managed to pick off signal between the crystal and its coupling capacitor. I propose the following schematic for PIC clocking: ^VCC ^VCC | | | ) / ) choke, 22uH 4M7 \ ) / | 220R 22pF \ |--*--/\/\/\--||--> PIC X1 | | PLL Xtal <--|Xtal|---*--->|--+ | | PLL Xref <--| |------* === 22pF | GND / \ 1M / \ | === I will use a JFET with low IDSS. The Upper 4M7 resistor should prevent the JFET gate junction from rectifying. I might have to omit it if there is not enough gain (there should be too much with this scheme imho). The signal where the gate of the JFET would be will be about 500 mV pk-pk at most. It could be as low as 150 mV pk-pk. Is there any data on the gain of the PIC oscillator gate(s) ? How little is 'safe minimum' to drive the input ? The parts I will use are XTs. What other (simple) amplifiers have been used to drive the PIC clock from low signals ? AC or DC coupling ? If DC coupling then how important is operating point vs. temperature ? Any problems with harmonics (assuming untuned coil as above) ? tia, Peter