>RB0 is an input, RB1 to 7 are outputs, 470 ohms thru LED to gnd. I think you may find that the LED is just not lighting unless you have very sensitive LED's. 470 ohms is the value to use for ordinary LED's with 12 volts. For 5 volt use 100 ohms is better. have you actually checked at the output pin with a volt meter to see if the pin is changing state in case the LED is not lighting for some reason? You would also be better to invert the sense of your output pins. It is generally easier to have the LED come from the supply rail, and have the output port pull the other end to ground. I do not have the data sheet for the 16C84 handy, but the 16F84 shows the pull down transistors as having about 2.5 times the current capability of the pull up transistors. This would be typical of most micro chips.