At 08:08 PM 4/21/00 +0200, you wrote: >Hi PICer friends, > >some time ago (if I remember corectly or otherways was a dream...) someone >have speached about the possibility to use a PIC to survey some signal and >generate and send an EMAIL over INTERNET. > >It is true??? > >Do you have idea where I can found info about this argument??? > >I have read the AN724 of Microchip but it is only a part of my needs. > >Ciao >Leo > Some people are attempting to build "tiny server" thingies, using PIC (eg, iPic) and scenix chips. I have some links to these and various articles, etc, on my page at: There were also short threads about this on piclist 1-2 months ago. Also, threads about Sieko S7600. - Dan Michaels