Dwayne Reid wrote: > 1) It should NOT matter what happens to the data lines so long as the E > line is LO. Make sure that E is LO before changing anything. > > I *know* that the LCD ignores data while E is LO because I have 68hc11 > boards that put the LCD on the data buss - and they all worked just fine! > > well, I tried that this morning. All i did was change the data lines while E was low (confirmed on scope). The order of operation was: 1) change data lines to input 2) bring RW high 3) bring E high 4) read data DB7-DB4 5) bring E low 6) repeat 3-5 for reading DB3-DB0 Note that E, RS, RW are all low at the start of the operation. The LCD remained blank, but data was sent continually back and forth. The version that I was able to get to work omitted step 1. I have another of the same display. I think I will wire that one up and see if it behaves similarly.