YOU CAN READ IT YES!!! Actually in all our new products we are using 4 bits interface and it works nicely. The busy flag will be at the first 4 bits reading. Some displays allow you to not even need to read the last 4 bits (as the second transfer). But for more correction operation you should read all the 8 bits (two readings of 4 bits each). What really happens in your case? Wagner Lipnharski UST Research Inc. - Orlando, Florida <-- 8051 site Dale Botkin wrote: > > On Thu, 20 Apr 2000, Tim Hamel wrote: > > > Dale, > > > > Ok...I think I understand what you're can't read the busy flag > > (bit 7) unless you're using the 8-bit interface? I've found something that > > might contradict that: > > > > > > > > Apparently, you CAN read bit-7 regardless of the i/f type. > > In *theory*, yes. In *practice*, we're having trouble doing so. Every > time I try it, the LCD goes south for the winter. That's why we're > working on this. It's more than a little frustrating -- I now have a > routine that uses 1ms delays, which works perfectly. But now it's getting > personal, and I wanna squash a bug. > > Dale > --- > The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new > discoveries, is not "Eureka!" (I found it!) but "That's funny ..." > -- Isaac Asimov