On Thu, 20 Apr 2000, Russell McMahon wrote: > > Yes I fondly remember assembling my first computer (A Cosmac in my case) and > shortly thereafter a D2 kit (officially an MEK6800D2). > Does anyone here remember the Homebrew Computer Club? I couple friends and myself are trying to resurrect it, and having a little bit of success. Still have to figure out a good meeting date and post an announcement. > > The there was my Litton - now there's a machine for you. A serial CPU > inplemented in TTL with ALL storage (CPU registers, program code, and data > memory) on separate tracks of a rotating magnetic drum. > I know it's a myth, but would that machine have any relationship, perchance, to the machine mentioned in "The Story of Mel" found in the jargon file? --- Paul Anderson - Self-employed Megalomaniac paul@geeky1.ebtech.net http://zephyr.sellad.on.ca/~paul "He who controls the green lines controls California!"