What linux does not have yet are inexperienced users who run any program that comes along on email or from a web site, which Windows has in abundance. What linux does not have yer are users who run any program that comes along AS ROOT, which is pretty much the default state for windows. On the other hand, given that there's a priviledged mode to unix, there are no end of cracker programs distributed for the express purposes of getting that priv, and hiding the fact that you got it. The process of locating a suitable host, testing it for usable vulnerabilities, exploiting one of those vulnerabilities to break in, transferring the 'rootkit' software, building the software, installing and configuring the software, starting it up, and exiting again, can be done within about 30 seconds (according to reports from sources that should be accurate.) All the network attacks on yahoo/ebay/etc were from unix systems that had been broken into, right? Unix just breeds a different type of "inexperience", and different types of attack. BillW