A couple of 7447s or 7448s bcd-7seg drivers will do the trick, but after 9 the characters aren't English. If you drive them with a couple of 7490 decade counters, it would work, but your not counting, your looking for a translator. AN529 could be adapted easily for your needs though --- keeping things pickish*. Is that too elaborate? * pickish n. - 1. all things related to the PIC series of microcontrollers manufactured by Microchip Technology Inc. 2. really cool whizbang technical stuff 3. (slang) Feeling of euphoria when a plan comes together. (eg) I'm feeling rather 'pickish' today -- it actually works!! Craig -----Original Message----- From: pic microcontroller discussion list [mailto:PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU]On Behalf Of Brian Gregory Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2000 4:27 PM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: Re: 7 Segment LED Driver In-Reply-To: <38FCC68A.641128AD@mb.sympatico.ca> Josh Koffman wrote: > Greetings, > I am wondering if someone even makes a chip to do this. What I want to > do is output a value on a 6 bit output port, then have an LED driver > chip take the binary value and drive two 7 segment LED displays with a > decimal equivalent. Example, i output B100101 (0x25), and I want the > displays to read 37. Is there a discrete logic chip that does this? A couple of small PROMS programmed with appropriate data? Or maybe a couple of PALs could do it, I'm not sure. Brian Gregory. briang@cix.co.uk