I use MPLAB to write and test my assembly and then load the hex file into P16PRO Light Programmer. I do this so that I can use the MPLAB environment and the programmer I built from Peter Anderson's plans. This works fine, I run the programmer (A DOS ap) in it's own window. The trouble is that every time I load a HEX file I get an error: Configuration word is not included in HEX file!!!! I'm not worried about the error - I believe it's to do with the fact that the file doesn't have a configuration word that the software recognizes. This is not a real problem, the PIC programs fine using the fuses I set in software. It's annoying though, because the error shows up in a box and pauses the program for a second or so every time I reload the hex file. I am impatient. I don't want to wait those few seconds, and there doesn't appear to be any way to turn off this error. Thus the stupid question: anyone know a way around this? Or better yet, anyone know of any software that will work more smoothly with MPLAB and a parallel port programmer? Cheap or free is best, but I don't mind paying if it's good software. Best, Andrew