I wonder what one Gauss used when he did his first signal processing calculations? (Smile) Dennis > -----Original Message----- > From: Quitt, Walter [SMTP:wquitt@MICROJOIN.COM] > Sent: Wednesday, 19 April 2000 4:03 > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: Re: [OT] "Best" Editor (was: "Syntax Highlighting in MPLAB") > > Am I dating myself if I dare say I used TOPS? > Can you say TECO? > > I still shudder.... > > -Walt :-) :-) > > -----Original Message----- > From: William Chops Westfield [mailto:billw@CISCO.COM] > Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2000 10:16 AM > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: Re: [OT] "Best" Editor (was: "Syntax Highlighting in MPLAB") > > > xxxxxxxx clearly is the best Windows editor there is. > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > > This is the problem, of course (or part of it, anyway.) When I picked my > editor, I wanted something that ran on CPM, TOPS20, TOPS10, and unix. At > the time, EMACS was the only thing that came close (MINCE for CPM, FINE > for > tops10, elle or cmuemacs for unix, IIRC.) Nowdays the situation is a bit > cleaner, since PCs have approached the capabilities (performance-wise) of > the mainframes of yore (so more editors are available cross-platform and > more consistant versions), and the number of contending operating systems > has gone down (a bad thing, IMHO, but still a fact of life.) But the > number > of editors that you can run on all of (MacOS, unix, Windows) is still > pretty > small. (of course, what with mice and more consistant function key > behavior, it's now pretty easy to do "simple" editing tasks all in GUI > windows, but that's not a "real" editor...) > > BillW