> Richard Ottosen wrote: > > > These shift register/XOR feedback PRNG's work well for making what > > sounds like noise to the ears. If you feed the bits to a digital to > > analog convertor and look at the result on a scope, the waveform > > looks like a bunch of exponential curves. To the eyes this appears > > very non-random. > I am reluctant to enter a discussion I know little about.. (there are great volumes in the library on random number generation). But... If I had to generate random numbers for an application with a PIC it would seem appropriate to generate serious random numbers on a PC and copy them into a rom, and ones pseudo--random PIC routine could access the random numbers from the rom. I imagine pseudo-random selecting random should be fairly usable. _____________________________ Lance Allen Technical Officer Uni of Auckland Psych Dept New Zealand www.psych.auckland.ac.nz _____________________________