xxxxxxxx clearly is the best Windows editor there is. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is the problem, of course (or part of it, anyway.) When I picked my editor, I wanted something that ran on CPM, TOPS20, TOPS10, and unix. At the time, EMACS was the only thing that came close (MINCE for CPM, FINE for tops10, elle or cmuemacs for unix, IIRC.) Nowdays the situation is a bit cleaner, since PCs have approached the capabilities (performance-wise) of the mainframes of yore (so more editors are available cross-platform and more consistant versions), and the number of contending operating systems has gone down (a bad thing, IMHO, but still a fact of life.) But the number of editors that you can run on all of (MacOS, unix, Windows) is still pretty small. (of course, what with mice and more consistant function key behavior, it's now pretty easy to do "simple" editing tasks all in GUI windows, but that's not a "real" editor...) BillW