D Lloyd wrote: > > LFSR: RLF RANDOM,W > > RLF RANDOM,W > > BTFSC RANDOM,4 > > XORLW 1 > > BTFSC RANDOM,5 > > XORLW 1 > > BTFSC RANDOM,3 > > XORLW 1 > > MOVWF RANDOM > > RETLW 0 > > Pretty predictable (short-term), isn't it? Well, yeah... But that's because the original question asked for an 8-bit pseudo-random number generator. "RANDOM" is only 8 bits wide, so the routine produces a 255-step sequence. -Andy === Andrew Warren - fastfwd@ix.netcom.com === Fast Forward Engineering - San Diego, California === http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2499