> > still to try it with a decent load but it seems like a reasonable amount of > > leakage current. Would you considder this normal? > > Yes, unfortunately ready made solid state relays tend to have a snubber network > across the "switch" which causes leakage when they really should be off. It can > make them totally unusable for controlling small mains operated valves and > solenoids. > > We sometimes make our own solid state relays with a zero crossing opto triac > controlling a larger triac and no snubber at all. We do put a snubber across > the load if necessary. However, there is a caveat to go with this. Removing the snubber and driving an inductive load (like a transformer) may result in the triac never turning off (dv/dt commutation). Don't you just love this electronics stuff where off is a choice between not quite off and not off at all. ? There are snubberless triacs that are a bit more forgiving in this area. Steve. ====================================================== Steve Baldwin Electronic Product Design TLA Microsystems Ltd Microcontroller Specialists PO Box 15-680, New Lynn http://www.tla.co.nz Auckland, New Zealand ph +64 9 820-2221 email: steveb@tla.co.nz fax +64 9 820-1929 ======================================================