Just a quick one. I can remove my tinnitus, by having a background noise. i.e. the TV or Hi-fi playing. The wife finds it hard that I can block out the background sounds a long with the tinnitus, but can't block out the tinnitus on its own. So if I want to read a book or get to sleep I often use the TV as a blocking sound. I will not hear the TV sound at all if I don't pay any attention to it. All I need is a pic to play TV type sounds at all times and the tinnitus will be gone forever!! It seems that the brain is looking for sounds of approaching danger! and has picked the ears background noise as a danger sign and thinks you should know about it? So turned the gain up. ----- Original Message ----- From: Dr. Imre Bartfai Sent: 13 April 2000 09:57 Subject: Re: [OT] Tinnitus - was "INVERTE THE WAVE" > Hi, > 2 remarks: > > 1. Hardly believe tinnitus is not reported before 1982. Is this true? > 2. According to your experience intensity changes when you bite, have you > tested to stimulate with some weak electric impulses the facial muscles? I > think it is an experiment worth... Even maybe biting works for you as a > type of acupuncture, so to test it with a true expert could also help you. > There are now a lot of so-called electric/laser a/p appliances, some of > them even help to localize the effective points and/or meridians. > > Regards, > Imre > > > On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Wagner Lipnharski wrote: > > > Interesting that you touch the subject. I suffer of Tinnitus during the > > last 18 years. It is a high multiple frequency pitch (around 8kHz), in > > both ears, in a sound intensity that looks like to be always above the > > hearing sound level, all the time, 24 hours a day, 7 days in a week. > > Tinnitus is a perfect worker, never goes out for vacation, never sleeps, > > never got sick and skip a day job... :) I can hear it at the same > > "audible" intensity in ANY sound ambient, blowing my window glasses with > > my 400 Watts surround or in a complete silence, the tinnitus still there > > all the time, as my forever partner. There is no possible cure or > > solution, since no science can explain exactly what is it or what causes > > it. I already made all the possible medical exams during years, not a > > single possible clue. > > > > Medical literature says hearing ringings or high frequency pitch (the > > same as tinnitus) works like a red lamp at your car's panel, it > > indicates something is wrong at your body, but other medical literature > > also says that the "actual tinnitus" simple uses the same lamp but > > doesn't mean the same problem. It is the same as if the lamp's > > transistor driver short circuit, you can search for the problem source > > forever, not finding it. > > > > I think this subject is totally valid to discuss, since it is known that > > more than 30% of the population is suffering of this thing, and some > > good discoveries are found here and there with natural medicine, plants > > and so on. I have been reading Internet about Tinnitus for years, > > collected thousands of information. Most of them leads to recognize > > patients with normal-high to high blood pressure, but it is not a rule, > > lots of low blood pressure persons suffer of it also. > > > > Tinnitus never was reported before 1982 or around. Some good percentage > > of tinnitus patients used antibiotics and they are more sensible to sore > > throat and flu viruses. It is a new disease that leads few people also > > to act as crazy and some attempted suicide to get rid of it, terrible. > > There is a special clinic in Georgia that helps strong and difficult > > cases, not controlling it, but helping people in learning how to live > > with it. > > > > It also seems to be present in certain groups, and it is so spread that > > it is impossible to say it is genetically transmitted. My mother has it > > intermittently, as well my small daughter. My wife has is in low > > frequency waves (as sea waves sounds), and talking about it around I > > found out several, several friends and relatives that suffer from it > > from years. > > > > I already made some sound experiences, including white, pink and other > > "color" noises, no result at all. The only thing that changes the > > tinnitus intensity during one or two seconds is when I bite, (forcing my > > lower against upper teeth), as if the muscle activity around the ears in > > some way causes this change. It is not related to reducing external > > sound by collapsing ear canal or something like that. It is clear that > > the tinnitus intensity was changed. > > > > Interesting is that I can learn how to ignore lots of background sounds, > > except for tinnitus. It looks like that it is generated far ahead of the > > place where it can be ignored or controlled. > > > > Again I am sorry by the long text, but millions of people are in search > > for a cure, or at least to help in reducing this annoying noisy signal, > > am I pissed off to not be able to use a Tektronix scope to locate the > > source of it and cut some wires.... I simply can not remember anymore > > how is a quiet and normal summer afternoon silence. > > > > Wagner > > > > Jinx wrote: > > > > > > From: Wagner Lipnharski > > > > > > > > Once at the new IBM building in Curitiba city (Brazil), it was installed > > > > white noise generators to blast down room to room human voice. White > > > > noise is something your hearing can ignore, but it takes down a great > > > > level of ambient sounds too. > > > > > > The same technique used to relieve tinnitus. The patient is fed white > > > noise, which they soon become used to and ignore. As the volume of the > > > white noise is gradually reduced over a period of time, it "takes" the > > > tinnitus with it as the patient's auditory system adjusts > > > > >