I was doing something similar, needed a water tight housing and with no external connections i needed to supply power to the circutry, the best way to do this was to totally seal the circut and include an inductiveley coupled charging system, this would charge a supercap or a set of cells, and power the circut, the reason for the supercap and/or cells is that if there is any deviation on the power being supplied its not reflected in the performance of the circut. Let me know if you ned a circut, i think i have it kicking around somewhere..(if youre lucky) from memory i was supplying about 2 volts over a distance of about 5 to 10mm. this could be altered by changing the turns on the transformer. Regards Andrew >I«m working on a project where the customer don«t want electric connection. >And no batteries needing to charge, switch or anything like that either. >Too dark/small/dusty to use solar power. > >It«s a kind of moving hose connected pressure air driven tool, that I«m going to automate and improve somewhat. >Current verison do have air-logic, but a microcontroller based will have more facilities. > >So, I got plenty of air, standard pressure 7bar, filtered, dehumidized, oil free. > >My power requirement is about 12V, 1W. > >Lifetime also is an issue as this is industrial, and noise must not be too high. >Cost is always an issue... >Maximum alowed airelectric generator size is 0,5 litre. > >I have sketched of a number of solutions, but nu really good. >Unfortunately i have no rotating part on that tool, (just cylinders) and also the sensors need power when tool is at rest. > >Probably someone have been thinking about this before, and a good place to ask is this list :) > >So...?? > >Thanks in advance. > >/Morgan >Morgan Olsson morgans.rt@telia.com >Morgans Reglerteknik, HŠllekŒs, 277 35 KIVIK, SWEDEN > tel +46(0)414-446620, fax +46(0)414-672324