The attachment you are refering to is actually a VCard, which contains more contact information. This is a feature available in Netscape email, among others. It is not widely used, though it has been included in netscape communicator for several years. I understand your position, though. I have taken a position of trusting certian individuals, and filtering people rather than you method of trusting certian emails and filtering messages(such as those with attachments). Francisco is an individual I trust, and so I don't worry about his attachment. If I ever needed to eneter into a business relationship with him it would be very convenient indeed to click the button "Add Card to Address Book" rather than requsting and entering the information myself. -Adam P.S. For all of you who are sitting on their reply button about to help me understand the evils of self-propogating virii which send themselves using a trusted person's email address blah blah blah, please save your time, my time and the piclist bandwidth. I work in several capacities of a small business, one of which is systems and network administrator, and I am well versed in wroking with and dealing with virii and their various permutations. While I made a blanket statment above as to how I /generally/ treat email, I certianly have far more complex rules and habits which have kept me virus free since eighty-three. artky1k@CTEL.NET wrote: > > Hey guy, > > I've been deleting your messages for months now because of the > file attachments. I'm sure you have good things to say, but the > security risk from any file attachment is real and I delete them > without opening the messages unless it's information I requested. > > You can certainly do as you so choose, but I know other people > who do this too- > > Good Luck, > > Art > > On 13 Apr 00, at 10:22, Francisco Armenta wrote: