On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, Andrew Warren wrote: > Mark Willis wrote: > > > [...] and an all-around GOOD programming practice: Just > > Comment out the 'movlw " "', and add something like, > > > > if !(Buffer == 020H) > > error "headspace error: uncomment the movlw line!" > > endif In C, and maybe assembly, a better phrase is the following: if (020H != Buffer) error "headspace error: uncomment the movlw line!" endif That is, the constant is on the *left* hand side of a comparison. If you slip, and write: if (020H = Buffer) you'll get the the appropriate error from your compiler. Compilers are tools -- use the wisely to catch the ugliest problems for you. I've spent way too many hours tracing down why "if (i=0)" never works... - j