Hi, When you say "embedded", are we talking about what seems typically described as "embedded" these days (i.e. embedded PC - 4MB RAM, 20GB Hard disk), or more like the environment that I am used to, which is (admittedly large in PIC terms) 4K RAM, 128KB code space? Joking aside, we write our applications in a logical mix of C/assembler and are probably subject to similar constraints as you are.....and we enjoy maintainability at the expense of code size , as you might expect. I had the belief that any decent embedded C programmer would be acutely aware of how their C affected matters in terms of generated assembler (in which case, your management would be correct as you get someone that could do both). I don't think it defeats the object of C to look into the assembler listing to optimise how you have written a routine; you are merely providing a level of abstraction which may or may not be a good thing; usually good, though. I cannot give you any real numbers, sorry. Regards Dan Is it not written in 'Code Complete' about eductating your management? ; ) Sam WILLIAMS 12/04/2000 00:34 Please respond to pic microcontroller discussion list To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU cc: (bcc: Dan Lloyd/GBPTD/ABB) Subject: Question: C vs Asm Security Level:? Internal I am attempting to create a test environment that will answer the question regarding the viability of using C vs assembler for PIC programming. I know most of the arguments, but I was wondering if anyone had any references to hard data that had been accumulated using a large number of test programs. I know the request may sound stupid, but company management currently believes that C would give us a better opportunity for finding programmers. Code size could be the caveat. We are developing code for embedded aerospace control applications which means we have very tight constraints on component selection and use. Any help would be greatly appreciated. --- Sam Williams >>> wf@BLUSOFT.ORG.BR 04/11 7:35 PM >>> Hi again... Can the parallel port PC force a Interrupt (INTERRUPT REQUEST) when some external event occur? Thanks! mIGUEL ********************************************************************** This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. **********************************************************************