a very simple way to test for oscillation ont he xtal pin is to use a logic probe. -Dave Kieran Miller on 04/11/2000 02:44:01 PM Please respond to pic microcontroller discussion list To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU cc: (bcc: David E Arnold/SYBASE) Subject: Re: 16F874 PIC Refuses to Start Up? > The first thing you MUST establish is if the xtal is > oscillating. Yeah - thought so.. :) I've borrowed a scope, and I have a 16MHz oscillator I'll try if the crystal isn't oscillating. How difficult is it to get crystals going generally? What can be wrong, apart from a duff crystal? > If a scope is not handy then you could try a simple signal > detector connected to a voltmeter. Thanks - useful for future reference! Kieran