Some of you may have seen my earlier post concerning the apparent failure of a PICC74A to work properly with it's A/D Vref set to reference the voltage on AN3 instead of chip Vdd. It was behaving as if Vref was set to Vdd no matter what software selection was made. Well, I finally solved it, and the answer is pretty embarrassing so I though I might save someone else's face by exposing my gaffe. For convenience (read laziness) in my breadboard circuit I only hooked up pin 32 to Vdd and pin 12 to Vss leaving pins 31 and 11 floating because I assumed they were redundant. Well, they're not. Leaving those 'redundant' pins floating makes the AN3 ineffective as a Vref for some reason I do not understand. It is odd that other than the A/D, the rest of the chip worked fine with those pins left unconnected. I am going to speculate that Vdd was making it's way through a forward biased input protection diode or something thus allowing the digital portion to function, but wreaking havoc with the analog section....whatever, at least now things behave correctly. Moral - connect all your power pins please and thanks to everyone who patiently tried to 'debug' my problem. -Paul Howell