If you pay me an arm and a leg I'll make a forming press, take a bunch of regular DIP sockets and bend them for you. ;-) I imagine *someone* still manufactures them, since a lot of FPGAs require serial eeproms to save their configuration (generally 8-pin), but I doubt they are a frequently used item. Looks like these guys make them (used AltaVista "DIP sockets surface mount"): http://www.mill-max.com/ http://www.electrostock.com/ (supplier, see the line card for Andon Electronics) These guys might have them (didn't explore thoroughly): http://www.advintcorp.com/ etc, etc. I'm sure there are others. -Adam Jeff King wrote: > > Hi: > > Anyone know a source of 8 pin DIP sockets that can be surface mounted? (gull wing) > > AMP used to have them, but obsoleted them last month. > > Looking for second source and/or old stock. > > Thanks! > > -Jeff