I'm looking for a 12 bit, or more, DAC. I have looked in
http://www.questlink.com  and I found a lot of alternatives from Maxim,
Burr-Brown, Texas and others. Do you have experience in one of them in
Another question:
I find that a half of the DAC are parallel interfaced and the other half are
serial interfaced. Which is the best choice? I have a lot of things to
handle with the PIC (LCD display, keyboard, RS-232, 24LC16, ADC) so a Serial
Interface could help me a lot saving I/O pins, but I guess that If I choose
Serial Interface I will have more problems in the starting of the board. Is
this a real fear or is just me imagination?
I appreciate your advices.
Thanks in advance.


PS1: My last mail, the first I post to the list,  has been in HTML format,
forgive me for that.
PS2: I'm really amazing for the hi level of the people in the list.