Daniel Hart wrote: > > Technically feasible, politically unacceptable. - Dan Congratulation! That is the key sentence! It is possible now e. g. to implant a transponder every baby at birth. It would mean a lot of advantages (e. g. in Hungary, here, you can go easily into the jail for six month if you do not have (i. e. do not wear) actually the Personal Identification Booklet (recently Card) on the street, even as a pedestrian.). But, due to the possibly misuse from the state's side it is politically unacceptable. Of course, the circumstances change and there can be horrible exceptions. In the 1st half of 40s there were a lot of countries in Europe where it was politically acceptable to let some people to wear a yellow star on their clothes, or they were practically prosecuted. Generally seen, if something is regulated by legislation, it should be also changed, whether all the people will follow the regulation, and whether it is possible to make (or to buy) exceptions. Imagine what would happen if a person who is able to drive 60 mph only could buy a license for 100 mph with paying the appropriate clerk. And how would you (the legislator) to stop this? Regards, Imre