Robert Lacoste wrote: ..... >Dan, regarding RAM size, my code was originaly >developped for the 17C756 (>900 bytes of RAM) and was >adequate for a 128 words FFT, calculated in 50ms. >Could be of course extended with external RAM. >And yes I have a (very small) web site. My FFT code is >not available there, but you will find my freeware >17C756 programmer : // > >Cheers, >Robert. > Robert, thanks for responding. Let's see, 128 bytes/input, plus 2 x [256 for real/imaginary] = 640 bytes, or 768 if 12-bit input data. Doesn't leave any left for double buffering or output buffering, if you wanted to do real-time pass-through. And this on a 68-pin, $16 chip with hardware multiplier. Guess that's why I never tried it on a PIC before [but always wanted to]. However, the new 18C252 is faster, cheaper, with fewer pins (28-p) and more RAM with linear addressing. With 1536 RAM bytes, you can just squeeze in a 256 FFT: 256 + 2*[256+256] = 1280 bytes, if 8-bit input data. Probably could not utilize the full 10-bits of the '252 A/D here. But could probably do 128 FFT with real-time double-buffering, and pass-thru. Now, we need someone with a freeware 18C252/452 programmer, and DSP code library personalized for it. Thanks much for the info, and best regards, - Dan Michaels Oricom Technologies ==========================