This is getting way off topic but I have to comment. Take the simplest flash-an-LED PIC code you can come up with. If just one bit in just one simple ASCII character byte is flipped, the program will not run. We as on-lookers to the error would say "Of course it will not work. All of the code, characters, bytes, and bits must be just right for the program, device, and circuit to work. Someone must correct it. It will not fix itself." Yet, a single retina cell and in its functional relationship to the rest of the optical and nervous system, is many, many times more complicated and interdependent than the most complex devices and systems created by human beings. Its unbelievable that analytical thinking people continue to believe and state confidently that the cells of the human eye and the neural system of the brain essentially willed themselves to change how they function based on their recognition of a far removed apparent need of the body to more clearly resolve predators in the horizontal plain, and then spent a few million years making the cellular changes required to accomplish the goal. Why are they so afraid to concede to the blatant evidence in their face that evolution is a farce? I'm sorry to drag this out, but the ignorance and denial that is so prevalent in the pseudo science of evolution is really getting old.